Review Policy & FAQs

Q: Will you review my book?

A: I don’t see why not. I’m always willing to take requests, , but keep in mind I have the right to decline the request for any reason. If I don’t think I’m going to enjoy it, you don’t really want me to review it anyway. You can find my email address in the contact tab, or just leave me a comment. 

Q: What Genre’s do you review?

A: I a much read anything. I am trying to find which genres I enjoy better though so that the chances of getting better reviews are higher. So it is advised that you give me a synopsis of the book so I can get a better idea of what its about. I do really enjoy post-apocalyptic, fantasy, suspense, mystery, and some young adult and so on. I really don’t like most non fiction, or things that are overly religion based.  

Q: Can you please give me a positive review?

A: I’m always completely honest with my reviews, so If I don’t like it I’m not going to lie about that. However, I always point any bits I did like in a book even if I didn’t love it. If you would like a quote on a book I have read, be sure to ask. 

Q: How long will it take you to review my book?

A: However long it takes me. I have the right to choose which books I read and in what order. Also depending on my life outside reviewing it may take awhile. When choosing what books to read I do however keep in my how long certain ones have been waiting for a review. If you have a deadline for any reason, tell me and I will do my best to get it done by then. If I don’t think I can I will decline the review. I can read fairly fast once I get into the flow and have a day to just read, I can finish a book and make a dent in a second. For a list of books which are on my review list, simply click on the ‘Reading List’ tab at the top of the page. Its colour coded so you can tell what I am reading now and any other books are waiting to be read. So be patient, the review will come. 

Q: Can you not post a review until….

A. Sure thing. Just let me know the date it can be released on/after and I will hold it until then.

Q: How can I tell if my book’s been reviewed?

A: Simply by watching my blog. Or at the top of the page int he tabs you can click on the ‘Reviewed & Rated’ page and there you will see a full list of books I have reviewed. It will link you back to its blog page. You can also check out my ‘Reading List’ tab which was mentioned earlier.

Q: Where do you post your reviews?

A: All my reviews are posted here to my blog, to Goodreads, and also to Amazon once I work out how I wish to present my reviews there. If you would like me to post a review on another site and Im a member of that site I will post it there too. Authors/Publishers are also more than welcome to re-post my reviews if they wish. I only ask that you keep the review tagged to Jazmin Jade, preferably with a link back to my blog.

Q: What is your policy on Partial Reviews?

A: Its very rare that I will give a partial review. No matter what I put my best foot forward to finish a book. However, if one is to arise I will give the best review I can with as much of the book I have read, and make sure to explain exactly why I didn’t finish it, as well as any points I liked about it.

Q: Anything else?

A: Just so its clear I will say it again. I am completely honest with my review. If I love it, you will be sure to hear about it, but if I don’t you will hear about that too. I try to be as polite as possible while doing so, but I’m not going to lesson my feelings about something because I’m afraid of a reaction. Remember by reviews are only my opinions. Not everyone is going to agree with me at all. I will explain why I dont like something, and anything I do about the book no matter the rating. I have respect for every author out there, and my words are not meant to hurt or be rude in anyway. 

Q: What should I include in my Review Request to you?


  • Author’s Name
  • Book Title
  • Genre
  • Short Synopsis
  • An attachment of the book to be reviewed.
  • If not yet published, a copy of the cover. (otherwise I can find it on my own.)
  • Any additional information (covered in the Q/A above) that you think I may need. (such as a requested read-by date, request for a marketable quote, or a list of other websites to post my review to in addition to Amazon, Goodreads, and my blog).

If you have sent me an email, I will get back you to tell you if I accept the request or not. Sometimes it will take me awhile but I will get back to you. If there is anything else you would like to know just email me or leave a comment. 

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