NaNoWriMo Update – Week Two

Hello my lovelies! How is everyone going with their novels this week?

Again I am happy but not happy with mine. While I can see that my story still sorta sucks, I feel it is more because it needs a whole load of editing rather than me just not being happy with the actual story. I decided on a big plot point when it comes to what is going to fuel parts of the story and I have started writing it in and thus far I am really liking the direction that it is taking my story.

The part I am not so happy with this week is my word count. I had a few long days at work or just long days with life in general and I couldn’t get my brain to focus on writing enough to keep up with the daily word goals. Lets compare some charts shall we:

First of all here is my daily word counter. Please note that some days are a bit off because I forgot to update my time zone location when I moved from Melbourne to Brisbane, so if I updated after 11pm for that first week and a bit the words between my last update and then got counted for the next day. I think I have fixed it now but I haven’t had a chance to test it yet.








Here are the daily word count goal charts. The first one is where we ended off last week and the second one is this weeks update.

As you can see there were a few days where I did nothing and even though I pushed out 2455 words this morning before I started writing this blog post, I am still quite behind. I obviously need to take a bit of a mental break now but I hope to write at least another 2000 words today and set myself up for a lot of writing for tomorrow (Sunday). I really want to be over the desired word count by tomorrow because I know I am having another really long week at week and I probably won’t gemuch writing done.

Now lets take a look at my chapter differences. The first picture is where we left off last week, and the second is where I am currently as of 1:19pm on Saturday the 10th of November.

As you can see I have not gone back to look at that first act. I am finding it a lot easier to pump out words for the second act, and as I am umping them out I am finding out more about my character and how their lives work and the people who are in it. I am starting to feel as though I am getting to a place where I can go back and fill in some more of the build up to me turning point between the acts. I was going to try and do a bit before writing this post, but after about 3 hours of straight writing I could feel my mind drifting and decided it would probably be better to try a bit later after my mind has had a rest.

And thats all the update I think I have for you guys this week. As always, link me, tell me how you are going, share any update posts. This community is part of the thing that makes this month so fun.


Till Next Time. . .


NaNoWriMo Update – Week One

And Nano is off! We are currently on day four and I am really loving everything that is happening at the moment, except for my story which sorta sucks. But before I get into my thoughts lets look at some charts.

Stats from day two as I forgot to take a picture on day one:

The chapter went on far longer than I intended it too and basically just become a giant introduction dump. All the chapters and general acts are a guess at this point as well. I also changed all the labels after taking this shot so there wasn’t one, because I found all that excess green really distracting and off putting when it came to the goal bars on the side.

Stats from day four at about two in the afternoon and plenty of time to keep writing:

The only reason the day four stats are captured so early in the day is that I wanted to get this post up at a more regular time for myself, and because I am going out to a friends house later so while I have time between now and then I may not do much more writing.

Thus far I have written every single day which I am so proud of myself. When they words are flowing I am truly enjoying the experience. You may see between the two pictures that I moved from trying to write in order to just writing the parts I had a clear image of in my head. This I am coming to find is a result of an insufficient amount of outlining on my part. I am releasing that I may not be cut out to be a pantser. I spent much of yesterday looking up castle designs and floor plans, and even spent some of today sketching things out because I found myself unable to write a scene unless I where everything ever was. I still don’t have a clear idea, but I am trying not to focus too much on the little things and just put words down.

Much of the words I do put down though I am struggling with. Unless its one of the scenes that have been crystal clear in my head since I thought of the idea for this book, the words come out much like pulling out one of my own teeth. This again I relate to my lack of an ability to be a pantser. I have a clear idea in my head of they key turning points in the book, who the villain is and what he does to my main characters, but I just cannot settle on a good reason as to why. I am working with an idea right now that is keeping me moving but I haven’t decided if it is actually enough to have sparked the plot.

Then the things I do get out I just want to go back and change straight away. Chapter one for example, is just a giant here s everyone and all the things you need to know about them all at once. I am unhappy with how the chapter turned out and my mind is just always nagging at me to back and change it and some of the dialogue of the chapter, which I am finding stale because I am not completely connecting with my characters yet. But I know going back and changing things this early on is stupid, specially since I am not set with the driving force to the plot, and I should just focus on getting as much as I can down and setting up something I can go back and work with at a later date.

My mind really doesn’t like it though which is why I am letting myself at the moment just write the parts I am sure of. In writing these out I am hoping I can work out a few things that would have had to come before and once I get the ball rolling the after will come naturally to me.

Now as you can see above that I just about a hundred words off of being up to date with the daily  word goals. My work schedules for Monday and Tuesday are full though, and while I might get a couple hundred words in on Monday I am fairly certain that I will not get anything done on the Tuesday. Like I have stated before for other posts on this blog, Tuesday is just a dead day to me. So even though I am going out and I want to write up a review for Kingdom of Ash before I forget too much today, I want to try and get two days worth of words done so that I am not scrambling on trying to keep up too much during the week.

The general amount written each day is also a bit different to what is shown here. I am finding that if I update late at night it counts for the next day even if my day hasn’t ended yet, so I haven’t actually written 2537 words today, though I hope to write more than that.

I think thats all the updating that is required for the day. If you are participating let me know how you are going! I always love seeing other peoples progress and I can always use more nano friends.


Till Next Time. . .


Brisbane Writers Festival 2018

For those of you who have been reading my blogs for awhile know that I have been to BWF before and have really enjoyed the weekend I spent listening and being immersed in the talks all the authors give. This year was no exception other than the fact that I sadly could only attend two sessions on just one day because life just didn’t line up.

Veronica Roth was the big draw for me this year. If the name for some reason the name doesn’t ring a bell she is the author of the widely popular Divergent series which I loved for the most part, and also the Carve the Mark Duology which I am sadly contemplating DNFing because I am not getting into it. I really wanted to get them all signed though so I gathered up all my books and put them in a bag I hoped and prayed that the rain would stay away long enough for me to get to the venue as it poured down about 5 minutes before I had to go.

I was also praying that there would be a few no shows for the event so that I could even get in to listen to her talk as I had missed out on the free tickets. I was originally planning to go to her evening cosplay event on the  6th after work, but I ended up having to clean for a house inspection on the 7th so I had to miss that and just go with the free event on the 8th. Luckily for me there were a few no shows so I could go in and sit down and listen to the talk, which was amazing and funny, but unluckily for me not so many no shows that there was enough time after for her to sign more than one of everyones books. While I was sad that I couldn’t get everything signed and that I had lugged all of the books with me for no reason, Divergent is the one I care about the most and I got it signed and I am really happy with that. I had a chat with her about how she held a baby echidna and you can see the joy about the discussion on our faces.









Veronica had another author on her panel, Cally black. While I had never heard of her before, I left with one of her books signed. I really enjoyed listening to what she had to say and she really helped make the panel so enjoyable I just had to pick up the book and get it signed. I hope I enjoy it as much as enjoyed listening to her talk and the adorable cupcake counterpart.









After this panel I stayed for the Alison Goodman panel, and she is the author of Eon and Eona and the Lady Helen trilogy. Eon and Eona have been on my TBR for ages and I was really looking forward to buying them both and getting them signed but of course the book booth wasn’t selling matching copies of the books so I couldn’t have that. I ended up getting the first two Lady Helen books because she talked about the series on the panel and it sounded like something I would be interested in. I am so annoyed though that the last one is not out and it wont be signed like the rest of the them. I have so many signed books, but I don’t think I have a completed set signed. There is always generally one book that doesn’t get signed and I just have to sit here and wait for the author to maybe one day come back. . . I am super happy about what I do get signed though.









So after that I decided that was enough day for me, I had spent way more money than I wanted to by this point and the amount of heavy books that I had to walk home with was already a bit much before I left the house, and I had now added three more to the pile. The weather gods were smiling down on me though because 10 minutes after I got home, it started pouring down again, and I managed to go out and back without having to hide from the rain with my books.


Till Next Time. . .


5 Turns Around The Sun


I don’t even know where to begin here.

As any of you who are still around I have basically been gone for about two years. I have posted here and there in this time but I haven’t really been here. Its nearly been a solid year since I lasted posted. These same people will also know that I am suffering the worst readers block of my life. Its two years strong, matching day for day with the job I have. I struggle to pick up a physical book.

But my reading life seems to be better this year. With my long driving hours I can get through audio books with much more ease and my reading goal is actually ahead for the first time in the last two year. So here I am trying to find my home here in the words again. I can’t wait to get to know you all again!


Till Next Time. . .


The Clock Strikes Four

birthday-4Hello everyone!

Its that time of the year again where I reflect on how much this community means to me. Four years ago today I took the plunge and posted my very first post on this blog and my journey began.

Every year I am flawed by how much the blog has grown and how lovely you all are. While last year for the majority was a complete and utter flop of a year, I did accomplish setting up my own booktube The Written Word. While its still small with only 2 subscribers I want to work on it and grow it like this blog grew.

Despite my flop of a year 128 people decided that I was a worthy read and wanted to know when I actually do things and I thank you for it. And I thank the other 197 of you that have stuck it out with me for longer. If i could dedicate all my time to you guys and putting up things that you are interested in I would!

This community is like my family and I hope to embrace it more and to gain more and more members. We come for the books, and fall in love with the community <3

I hope you are all doing well, ad I hope to keep growing my platforms and getting to know you all so much more in the years to come.



Till Next Time…


March 2017

Hello my blogging lovelies <3

As those of you who have been around for awhile now you know that I started my blog in March back in the day and in the years since I have tried celebrating this by giving you more content than I normally would. Now, last year was a flop for me so this year I really want to set myself the challenge of putting up a post a day for the whole of March! I am not sure what yet, and I haven’t got everything mapped out or planned like I wanted, but I am going to push through anyway. If there is any kind of content you would like to see me try or do again please let me know! I am already planning on trying some other videos other than unboxings, I would like to aim for one video a week but don’t hold me to that.

See you in the words.



Till Next Time….


Building & Organising My Shelves

Sorry this video is a day late. I had it uploaded but as I ran out the door to see David Attenborough (which was the best thing ever) I forgot to post!

This was filmed over a few days because I cannot film in the new house at night and I only have so many hours of the day where I am actually home. Enjoy :)


Welcome 2017

Hello everyone! I bet I have been nearly and completely forgotten here. I don’t even want to talk about 2016. I was in a reading block for pretty much the entire year. In 2015 I read about 90 books, in 2016 I only read only read about 20 and basically didn’t review any of them. I feel so bad for all the publishers who sent me books in these dark reading days. I promise I will get to them :( I hope you all had a better year than I did.

I am not going to a readings resolutions post this year, I just want to focus on bringing back the joy again.

But I am hopefully that I am going to be able to turn in around this year! I took January off because I was moving. I am sill not done organising my new house but I want to get right into blogging and stuff again at the start of February so I don’t fall into the habit of not doing things again.

Here is a list of what is coming this month. Things may move around a little bit but for the most part its up and scheduled:

31/1 TTT – Visually Appealing Graphic Books

1/2 Book Review – Soundless


4/2 Building & Organising Shelves


7/2 TTT – Books I Wish Had More/Less of X (I haven’t thought of a good idea for this yet)


10/2 Book Review – The Glittering Court

13/2 Book Review – Tell The Truth, Shame The Devil

14/2 TTT – My Favourite Romance Stories

16/2 Thursday Tags – ?


19/2 Sunday Shopping – Owlcrate Unboxing

21/2 TTT – Books I Liked More Than I Thought I Would

22/2 Book Review – The Passion of Dolssa


25/2 Book Review – The Siren


28/2 TTT – ?

So i look forward to seeing you all in the posts! If there is anything you would like to see let me know :)


Till Next Time. . .


Book Review & Event – Our Chemical Hearts


Title: Our Chemical Hearts

Author: Krystal Sutherland

Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Mental Health

Length: 313

Rating: 3.5 to 4 Star



Henry Page has never been in love. He fancies himself a hopeless romantic, but the slo-mo, heart palpitating, can’t-eat-can’t-sleep kind of love that he’s been hoping for just hasn’t been in the cards for him—at least not yet. Instead, he’s been happy to focus on his grades, on getting into a semi-decent college and finally becoming editor of his school newspaper. Then Grace Town walks into his first period class on the third Tuesday of senior year and he knows everything’s about to change.

Grace isn’t who Henry pictured as his dream girl—she walks with a cane, wears oversized boys’ clothes, and rarely seems to shower. But when Grace and Henry are both chosen to edit the school paper, he quickly finds himself falling for her. It’s obvious there’s something broken about Grace, but it seems to make her even more beautiful to Henry, and he wants nothing more than to help her put the pieces back together again. And yet, this isn’t your average story of boy meets girl. Krystal Sutherland’s brilliant debut is equal parts wit and heartbreak, a potent reminder of the bittersweet bliss that is first love.


Principal Valentine walked past at one point and spotted me, my forehead pressed flat against my desk, and said, “Page. Aren’t you supposed to be in class?”

To which I replied, without sitting up, “My teenage hormones have rendered me too emotionaly fragile to be in a learning environment right now.”

Valentine was silent for a few seconds, then she simply said, “Carry on.”

So I did.

I would say a big thank you to Penguin Random House Australia for sending me a copy of this book for review!

The way I came about getting this book was really… sort of like the universe telling me I had to read it. I was looking around at author events happening in Brisbane since I had such a pleasant time at BWF and I saw an event for Krystal Sutherland to talk about her debut book Our Chemical Hearts, a book I had yet to hear anything about at this point, at Riverbend Books and thought it sounded interesting so if I had the time then I would probably go. Then a couple of days later I received the Penguin email with the books available for review over the next couple of months and there it was! And its publicist just happened to be the very first publicist to give me a chance as a reviewer and send me a physical ARC. At this point the decision was pretty much made for me at this point so I sent off an email requesting the book and the Monday before the Friday event I had the book in my hands.

Now anyone who has sort of been on here for awhile that Mondays and Tuesdays are pretty much ride off days for since my schedule is filled the the brim so I was actually quite worried that I would get the to event and not have finished the book. But I managed to fly through this book in a two day stint. The writing style was very easy to read and it flowed. If I were to compare this book to other debut YA books by other authors I would not have guessed that this one was a debut.

I also thought the characters were nicely diverse and had depth to them. The only one that annoyed me (sometimes) was the only Aussie character Murray. Sometimes his slang was nauseating, but other than that everyone was fine. I think all the actions taken by each were things that people would have actually done, and none of dialogue felt forced or pointless at any point. Each character also enhanced the story or served a purpose and they didn’t feel like fillers.

I’d been truly drunk only once before, when I was sixteen. Murray had coerced me into drinking tequila with him, to test the legitimacy of the ‘one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor’ theorem. Over the course of the evening I discovered that ‘one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor’ is wildly inaccurate. It’s more like one tequila, two tequila, three tequila,vomit all over your clothes, cry while your father puts you in the shower, vomit some more, cry and ask your mother to cook you ‘salmon eggs,’ whatever that is, be put to bed by your mother, decide you’re going to escape your parents’ totalitarian regime, vomit in the garden while escaping, be put back to bed by your father, floor.

Now here comes my big issue. While I loved the plot and I thought it was really interesting to read about a story that was different from the other YA books I have read, I also didn’t like it because the entire time I was just screaming at Henry. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! IN WHAT WAY DO YOU THINK THIS WILL END?! THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I loved the idea of becoming more beautiful after being broke, but that takes much time a and willingness to be fixed and Grace had no interest in any of that. I would like to take this moment to tell anyone is you are in a relationship in anyway similar to this one RUN FOR THE FUCKING HILLS.

The event was amazing and I am so glad I went. I love hearing authors talk about their books and lives or influences and Krystal had us all laughing at a few points. I of course got my book signed as well which is always a plus. Riverbend Books was also a very lovely bookstore that I has never visited before, and has inspired be to do a tour of Brisbane book stores at some point.

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The part I really enjoyed though was once the event was over. I got to finally meet the publicist (who I will leave unnamed just encase people try to hassle her) who gave me my first shot and sent me so many books since then, talk with the author, the bookstore owner/manager, as well as the moderator Rhianna Patrick. All of whom were lovely lady’s and were so enthusiastic about everything. Rhianna was very offended about my lack of twitter usage so now I shall have to try and become better at twitter haha. In all serious though is was amazing to be able to talk to these ladies for as long as I did :)

I think this is where I am going to leave this here. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes sad YA books, and I would recommend everyone to go to as many author events as possible!


Till Next Time…