May AYearAThon & RYBSAT Round 8


AYearAThon is a read a thon that happens each month throughout the year with different themes. You can find the goodreads group here. RYBSAT happens a couple of times throughout the year and is where you pick a spot on your shelf and read from that point onwards. You can find the event at its twitter here.

Hello everyone! I feel like it has been forever since I was partaking in AYearThon because of studies and I thought May’s (2nd-8th) Finish/Catch Up would be a good theme to join in again. So many things I need to finish! But then I also have RYBSAT at the same time (1st-8th) so I had to find a spot on my shelf that filled both ideas. This is what I came up with:


I am starting from Child of the Prophecy by Juliet Marillier and then working my way down and across. I hope to at least finish a couple of the books, but I still have assignments to do even though my major one has been handed in so I don’t want to be to ambitious.

Now I will be cheating a little for RYBSAT as I am nearly done with Soundless by Richelle Mead so I intend on finishing (and hopefully have finished it by the time this post is published) on the first day and then going to my official starting point and reading.

Now because RYBSAT seems to be pretty twitter based, I will be doing regular updates about it on my twitter account @ThWrittenWord, and then I will be doing updates every couple of days on here about both read a thons. Hope you guys join in and have fun!


Till Next Time…

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