Top Ten Tuesday – Hidden Gems

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created over at Broke and the Bookish, but has now been taken over by That Artsy Reader Girl where every Tuesday, Top Ten things of anything are listed. Todays Top Ten things are:

Top Ten Books That Are Hidden Gems

Now when I say hidden gems, I mean I think they should be talked about more. If other people talk about them lots or they had lots of publicity, I obviously missed it because they ended up on this list.

1. On the Jellicoe Road By Melina Marchetta. Ding ding ding ding. I bet no one is surprised this is once again at the very top of my list. At this point even I am starting to get annoyed with myself with how often I bring up this book, but really how can I leave it off the list. I feel like I am a lone person just trying to advertise this book by running down the street screaming its name.

2. The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton. It was around when it first came out but it needs to be something I see everywhere for me to feel like it is getting the attention it deserves.

3. The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey. This week is apparently just a list of my most favourite books so far. I wonder if they are my favourites because I haven’t seen a whole bunch of people talk about them and I went in with no expectations? Ignore that thought and go read the books anyway haha.

4. Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier. Again, I feel like I just need to run screaming its name down the street or keep screaming its name into the void in the hopes that

5. Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway. Thinking about the books I have seen in the bookish universe, I don’t remember seeing this one pop up very much and I loved it so much.

6. Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder. I know this is a big series by a big name author, but I never really see it mentioned anywhere so it gets a place on my list this week.

7. The Sentinel Mage by Emily Gee. An actual hidden gem haha. I don’t think I have seen this book mentioned anywhere at anytime. I got it from the publishers and that was it. The second book was even better than this one.





8. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. Its won awards and stuff but I really don’t see it mentioned in any TTT’s or just in the bookish community in general, so I shall mention it.

9. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. As more time passes I feel like this book fades into the background and it needs to be pushed back to the front of the lime light.

10. The Host by Stephenie Meyer. Ok guys hear me out. Yes it got good publicity but I feel like a lot of people snubbed it because it was by Stephanie Meyer and they thought it was going to be like Twilight. Guys this book is much better. I reread it basically yearly.





Be sure to share your lists!

If you want any of the books listed please click on the thingyami below.



Till Next Time. . .

9 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Hidden Gems

  1. Great list! Juliet Marillier is an author I’d really like to check out, I think I’ll have to treat myself to a copy of Daughter of the Forest soon.

  2. I’ll help you to run screaming Daughter of the Forest down the street. I don’t understand how there aren’t more people talking about this book – in a matter of fact, why aren’t more people reading Juliet Marillier’s books?! Everything she writes is PERFECTION!

    Happy readings! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  3. Yesss to Ava Lavender!! It appeared on a lot of lists this week and it makes me so happy!
    On the Jellicoe Road and Poison Study have been on my TBR since I began reading YA so it’s ridiculous that I still haven’t read them yet! It’s a shame they don’t receive the hype they used to but I still hope to read them eventually :D

  4. I remember seeing LOTS of good thoughts for ‘Ava Lavender’ when it released, but it’s not one I’ve taken a second look at. Perhaps this needs to be remedied. YAY for “Emmy and Oliver.” Super excited to (SOMEDAY!) give one of Robin’s books a chance. I hear they’re fabulous. Appreciate you visiting Finding Wonderland, Jazmin. Apologies it took me this long to circle around to your lovely interweb space. :)

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