Book Review – Endless Knight


Title: Endless Knight [The Arcana Chronicles 2]

Author: Kresley Cole

Genre: Young Adult, Post-Apocalyptic, Supernatural, Romance

Length: 320

Rating: 3 Star

Book Series Reviews: 1, 2, 3


Shocking Secrets

Evie has fully come into her powers as the Tarot Empress, and Jack was there to see it all. She now knows that the teens who’ve been reincarnated as the Tarot are in the throes of an epic battle. It’s kill or be killed, and the future of mankind hangs in the balance.

Unexpected Allies

With threats lurking around every corner, Evie is forced to trust her newfound alliance. Together they must fight not only other Arcana, but also Bagmen zombies, post-apocalyptic storms, and cannibals.

Gut-Wrenching Treachery

When Evie meets Death, things get even more complicated. Though falling for Jack, she’s drawn to the dangerous Endless Knight as well. Somehow the Empress and Death share a history, one that Evie can’t remember—but Death can’t forget.


Oh dear. I had such high hopes for this book and most of them all fell short. I LOVED Poison Princess and I cant express the same feelings for this second book.

A very large section of this book was slow paced. You get sections of action packedness here and there, but it is mostly restricted to the first section of the book. This I think happened because Evie ends up spending alot of time at Deaths place and nothing really happens while she is there. You just get her building relationships with people who live there and thats about it. The bits of action we did get though was great, I loved when they were with the Cannibals and I was really freaking out at certain parts.

And lets just touch on how annoyed I am about the introduction of a love triangle. WHY COLE WHY? I like Death, I think he is a really interesting character and would really like to view quite a lot of things from his perspective, but the fact that the triangle was introduce frustrated me. Now onto a SPOILER I also HATED the fact that Death has such mixed emotions about Evie is because surprise surprise they were married in a previous life and she killed him. I get the life and death are supposed to be together kinda thing but that just blew my mind that that was put in, and not in a good way END SPOILER. Both are left up in the air in a serious way. The ending of the book was not any good at all. Nothing resolved, its just all prolonged.

You get pretty much no Jackson in this book. Once Death comes in he goes. But before all that Jackson’s with Evie is pretty shit house because of things that happened in the book before, things get sorted out, but they take just too long to sort through their rubbish for my liking. Jackson when he is actually caring and being nice to Evie is pretty damn adorable. I also have a theory that I think a lot of people have come to as well. I think Jackson is the last Arcana, the one that is only revealed when they kill another Arcana. It has been set up perfectly. The past between him and the Lovers has been set up perfectly for him to off them and come into his powers, completely get over the differences between him and Evie because there wont be any really anymore (if Death is left out of the picture) and things will end fine and dandy. However there has been thought by others that he is meant to kill my Matthew, to which I think NOOOO! Im glad this seems less likely in my mind because then Evie wouldn’t like him anymore, and she would probably end up with Death instead.

I love the fact that Evie has come into her powers, I think it makes her a stronger person, but I also felt that some of her previous character was left out because of it and that wasn’t a good thing. The whole thing about this Evie is that she keeps her previous personality and thusly pretty much refuses to participate in the games, but then I found that it was lost which annoyed me. I didn’t laugh as much in this book, Evie lost some of her sass and quick wit/bright spirit. I don’t think this was intentional, other things just seemed to take over rather than keeping her character the way it was described to be. I do like though how Cole works through how when Evie uses her powers, she has a hard time remembering she doesn’t want to play the game and just wants to win. I like the struggle.

Though this book fell flat I still am eager for the next one. I hope that Cole has gotten over her malfunctions in this book and the level gets popped back up to its 5 star rating.