Top Ten Tuesday – Authors Most Owned


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created over at Broke and the Bookish where every Tuesday, Top Ten things of anything are listed. Todays Top Ten things are:

Top Ten Authors I Own The Most Of

At first I wanted to leave mangas out of this list, but then I would be scraping the dredges and picking things I actually haven’t read much of, so I chucked the ones I own more than 5 of in here.

1. Matsuri Hino at 22 – I have read 20/22 of these books because 18 of those are my favourite series Vampire Knight. So good, so pretty. I also have some other works by her.

2. David Eddings at 20 – I have read 12/20. I own so much of this author because I read the series the Belgariad series and loved it, so I got some of his other works. I plan on rereading it so I can move onto the sequel series the Mallorean.

3. Ali Yazawa at 17 – The author and artist of the wonderful Nana series. 17/17! I have read the entire series to date but I don’t own them all.

4. Richelle Mead at 9 – I have read 8/9. I have read all of the famous Vampire Academy series and I am making my way through Bloodlines now. Love this world! Adrian is a dream <3

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5. Charlaine Harris at 8 – I have read exactly 1 of her Sookie Stackhouse series and I hated it. I own 8 of them cause my mum got me a box set. I want to read them cause they were a gift, but there are always better things to be reading.

6. Andrew Klavan at 7 – I have read 5/7. I discovered him after reading Hunting Down Amanda and loved it and have started reading some of his other works. I haven’t loved them as much though.

7. Stephanie Meyer at 6 – I have read all the ones I own. I don’t think I need to explain who she is haha I love The Host, its one of my favourites.

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8. Amanda Ashley at 6 – I have read 5/6. I discovered her work after reading A Whisper of Eternity and I have been reading her vampire love stories since.

9. Patricia Cornwell at 6 (I think) – I have read 1 out of maybe 6. I can’t be sure if thats the total number as I know someone was burrowing some of my books by this author but I don’t know if I got them back yet. I don’t really care though. I don’t know how I ended up with so many by her, I have never bought any and none have been given to me. I think people just stick them on my shelf.

10. Lauren Kate at 5 – I have read 4/5. I have read all of the Fallen series except the book Fallen In Love. It sits waiting. While I liked it well enough, they were not great.

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So there we go, share your lists! I would really like to see this weeks results.

If you want to get any of these books click on the doobly do



Till Next Time…

26 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Authors Most Owned

  1. I seriously can’t believe I STILL haven’t picked up a Richelle Mead book. Gah, what have I been doing all my life?! ;) I’ve only read one Stephanie Meyer, but I own The Host and I definitely want to give it a go at some point. Here’s my TTT!

  2. Really need to get a move on with the Vampire Academy series. I’ve read the first two, and I’m really curious about her other series!

  3. Richelle Mead is one of the best authors out there. Adrian is truly a dream, I loved Dimitri too but when it comes down to Adrian or him there’s no competition. :)) I have the books from The Fallen series too and I’m not even sure why I kept buying them because I totally hated the second book. Luce was just simply annoying… Great list :)

  4. +JMJ+

    I also have a whole set of books that I haven’t finished because I didn’t like the first few that much, but that I keep around anyway because they were a gift and I’d like to honour the giver. LOL! It has been four years, though–and my friend and I are no longer in contact. Perhaps I should donate them, shrug off the guilt, and move on?

  5. Ohh I love that you listed how many you’ve read! I definitely haven’t read all the ones I own either. As for the Sookie series. Don’t. Just don’t. Because they get really, really bad around book #9 or so. And you find yourself wasting your time just forcing yourself through them. (I’m a bit bitter, no? lol) And I LOVED The Host too!

  6. I only recognize Stephanie Meyer and Richelle Mead from this list and I haven’t started reading Mead yet. LOL :) Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my TTT :)

  7. I’ve started reading Dead Until Dark like four times but never gotten far – mostly because I watched the first season of True Blood when it aired first time and it’s quite pointless reading the book when I know what’s going to happen (and yeah, it’s not my favorites so maybe that’s the reason). I liked The Host well enough even though I have a few problems with it.

  8. I see lots of familiar authors, like Charlaine Harris, Lauren Kate and of course Stephanie Meyer. But I see so many new authors too, have to check them out :D

  9. I didn’t like Fallen, so I didn’t buy any of those books. I do have the VA books, but I haven’t read her new series. I have all the Twilight books, but I didn’t read the Host. My son has reads the Vampire Knight series and he has a ton of those!

    Thanks for stopping by :)

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